Be Worthy ND

We, the undersigned, support North Dakota law enforcement unequivocally. We call on leaders in Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks, and towns across North Dakota to do the same.

After the recent police shooting in Fargo, Attorney General Drew Wrigley was asked what we can do to support the officers involved in the shooting, including Officer Jake Wallin, who was killed in the line of duty. Wrigley responded with two words: Be Worthy.

“Be worthy. Be worthy of what he did. Be worthy of what all these men and women do. Help law enforcement. Help turn back the culture of violence towards law enforcement officers.”

Anti-police rhetoric and attacks have dominated our country in recent years. Every day, these officers risk their lives for strangers who dismiss and even despise their sacrifice.

Our law enforcement officers need to hear that their work is valued, appreciated, and applauded every single day.

“Are we even good enough for this? This young man has a young child, a wife, and another baby on the way. He is putting it on the line every day, even at the scene of a fender bender. He went into his work with purpose and he answered the call. Be worthy of it.”

Read about the Fargo attack here and here

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