What do American kids think of their schools?

Over a third of U.S. students grade their school a “C” or below, according to the 2024 edition of the Gallup-Walton Family Foundation Student Report Card survey. The average grade assigned came in at a B-, unchanged from 2023.

More than 2,000 students enrolled in grades 5-12 at public and private schools across the country were asked about their individual learning experience, their school experience, and career preparedness.

Students rated schools the lowest on teaching skills relevant to their futures, helping them figure out what type of career they would like to have, and teaching in a way that addresses unique learning needs and gets them excited about learning. Low-income students were also less likely to give their school an A (20 percent), compared to 31 percent of their peers, according to the Walton Family Foundation.

“America’s schools can do better than a B-,” wrote the Walton Family Foundation. “Students are shedding light on where they think America’s schools are falling short. It’s time to prioritize and utilize their feedback to find bold, innovative solutions that move us closer to delivering an A+ education. This will set the next generation up for long-term success and purposeful futures.”

Students often are given grades of A, B, C, D, and “fail” on the quality of their work. What grade would you give your school when it comes to:

Source: Gallup-Walton Family Foundation